
《米奇 唐老鸭 高飞:三剑客》(Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers)[

中文名称:米奇 唐老鸭 高飞:三剑客

英文名称:Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers

上 映: 2004年08月03日 ( 美国 )

地 区: 美国

对 白: 英语

剧情简介:由米奇、唐老鴨、高飛所主演的【三劍客】(The Three Musketeers),是迪士尼2004年8月所推出的迪士尼動畫作品,本片是採直接發行錄影帶和DVD等影音產品的方式首度在美國推出,本片製作期間名為【Mickey's The Three Musketeers】,之後才改為現在的片名,並列上領銜主演的三位迪士尼大明星『Mickey.Donald.Goofy 』。劇情介紹:在歡度米奇75週年之後,迪士尼開始一系列全新米奇作品的計畫,尤其開始推出由米奇家族主演世界名著題材的作品。其實在以前迪士尼也曾推出不少米奇家族主演的名著故事,但都屬短篇作品,而如今迪士尼終於推出完整的長篇米奇動畫,本片【三劍客】是由迪士尼大明星米奇、唐老鴨、高飛共同主演,改編自法國大仲馬的名著《三劍客》,故事中Mickey 、Donald 和 Goofy 一直渴望成為真正英勇的劍客,然而圖?#092;不軌的 Pete 隊長卻一直想要篡位,當 Minnie 公主遭遇危險尋求劍客協助的時候,隊長就派了Mickey 等三位菜鳥去保護公主,其實是希望他們任務失敗,卻沒想到 Mickey 等三劍客居然粉碎他邪惡的陰?#092;,成功解救了王國。迪士尼鉅作「三劍客」,是歡慶米奇誕生75週年的最新動畫電影,三個人堅定的情誼不僅傳達了「團結一定強」的信念,更闡述了「人人為我,我為人人」的騎士精神,值得您立即擁有與全家同樂!The unlikeliest heroes in any queen's court would have to be janitors Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy, who dream of adventure in Disney's animated feature The Three Musketeers and get their wish under dubious circumstances. Though the trio aspires to perform brave deeds on behalf of their monarch, Minnie Mouse (who pines for a fantasy beau that looks a lot like Mickey), they are held back as servants by the head Musketeer, Pete. What they don't know is that Pete secretly schemes to get rid of the queen but has, thus far, failed in his efforts. Desperate, he appoints Mickey and his bumbling friends guardians to Minnie--on the assumption she'll be all the more vulnerable--but underestimates their determined, if slapstick, resourcefulness. Good, classic Disney comedy meets storybook romance in this short (68 minutes) animated feature, which features songs and familiar melodies by Tchaikovsky, Strauss, and Beethoven
