
《人类消失后的世界》(Life After People)

【原 片 名】:History Channel Life After People

【中 文 名】:历史频道:人类消失后的世界


【国  家】:美国

【类  型】:科学/纪录

【语  言】:英语

【内容简介】:  如果人类突然永远地消失了,我们的地球将会怎样?生态系统能否稳定?我们的工业化世界将有什么能幸存下来?什么东西将最快分崩离析?从被毁灭的古代文明,到被自然灾害摧残着的现代城市,历史带给我们回答这些问题的线索,和人类灭绝后许多惊人的、令人深思的东西,尽在2008年1月21日21:00档的历史频道。  百年后,废弃的摩天大楼将会由鸟、老鼠还有植物建设成为“垂直的生态系统”。也许一个小动物就可以让胡佛大坝水力发电厂倒下。汹涌泛滥的河水、倒塌的桥梁和大厦、重回西部大平原的加利福尼亚灰熊和水牛群:在没有人类的世界里,这些将是视觉的印记。我们的汽车将生锈变形、归于尘土,我们的宠物将被强壮的野生动物抓住吃掉。而人类的绝大多数记录,比如书、照片、唱片呢?它们会很快地失去光彩,失落坏萎,我们在这个星球上生存过的一点点证据都将不复存在。  因为采用了最棒的电影视觉效果,还有工程学、植物学、生态、生物、地质、风土学和考古学等各个领域的顶尖专家支持,《人类消失后的世界》通过最终假定,带我们登上了一次令人惊异的视觉旅程。  1986年切尔诺贝利的核电站事故以及它带来的长远影响,为我们提供了一个有意思的、感性的课题:人类消失后将会发生什么事。《人类消失后的世界》带领观众去到遥远的小岛,在缅因州的海岸附近寻觅废弃的小镇的踪影;在纽约的街道下观察地铁隧道是如何可能成为水汪汪的运河;去蒙大拿州的原野预言熊和狼的命运。  我们人类不会永远存在于这个星球上。现在我们能首次在《人类消失后的世界》详详细细地看到,那一去不复返的世界。(喵喵驴驴译,错误之处烦请各位达人指正,谢谢)  原文:What would happen to planet earth if the human race were to suddenly disappear forever? Would ecosystems thrive? What remnants of our industrialized world would survive? What would crumble fastest? From the ruins of ancient civilizations to present day cities devastated by natural disasters, history gives us clues to these questions and many more in the visually stunning and thought-provoking new special LIFE AFTER PEOPLE, premiering Monday, January 21st, 2008 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT on The History Channel®.  Abandoned skyscrapers would, after hundreds of years, become "vertical ecosystems" complete with birds, rodents and even plant life. One small animal might be responsible for bringing down the Hoover Dam hydroelectric plant. Swelled rivers, crumbling bridges and buildings, grizzly bears in California and herds of buffalo returning to the Great Western Plains: In a world without humans, these would be the visual hallmarks. Our cars would shrivel to piles of dust, our house pets would be overtaken by flourishing wildlife and most of the records of our human story�books, photos, records�would fade quickly, leaving little evidence that we ever existed.  Using feature film quality visual effects and top experts in the fields of engineering, botany, ecology, biology, geology, climatology and archeology, Life After People provides an amazing visual journey through the ultimately hypothetical.  The 1986 nuclear power plant accident at Chernobyl and its aftermath provides a riveting and emotional case study of what can happen after humans have moved on. Life After People goes to remote islands off the coast of Maine to search for traces of abandoned towns, beneath the streets of New York to see how subway tunnels may become watery canals, to the Montana wilderness to divine the destiny of the bears and wolves.  Humans won't be around forever, and now we can see in detail, for the very first time, the world that will be left behind in Life After People.
